Active echolink stations
Active echolink stations

active echolink stations

(Useful to see if you are in range of a link)Ĭonnect to station index number nnnnn (ie. Repeaters, Nodes and Stations that are connected via AllStar Links. For instance, if you want to connect to Echolink node 1234 on the Allstar Link system you should dial 3 followed by 001234. See Bubble Map of active links on the KW4BET-R and KW4BET-L.

active echolink stations

When you transmit any DTMF tones, wait for a voice recorded cue such as ‘Connecting to…’ or ‘# not found…’ * Please note that W1AW is also present on the list of active EchoLink stations. The table below shows a list of the available codes you can transmit. It is, however, reasonable for one to apply portions of the rules pertaining to repeaters and auxiliary stations to this type of operation. Our FCC regulations do not specifically define or address Remote-Base stations. Enter * then DTMF tones ( will say connecting to ) It is a switched Internet communications tool for licensed amateur radio operators.To connect to EchoLink with your 2-meter rig you’ll have to be on the repeater (146.670-).

active echolink stations

The ARASWF EchoLink node number is 389568 (Thanks to Carl Foust WA9ZIF!) EchoLink Procedures for Radio If the station’s node number is 4242, you would transmit 4242 using your keypad) 00: Connect to random station any station currently active 01: Connect to random repeater or simplex. It is also possible to link a sysop mode EchoLink station to a. As a result, VHF and UHF rigs, computers and now mobile devices are capable of nearly unlimited DX! With your iPhone or 2-meter handheld transceiver (HT) you can reach halfway around the world with typically the same signal quality and strength you realize across town. (Useful to see if you are in range of a link) nnnnn: Connect to station index number nnnnn (ie. The program allows worldwide connections to be made between stations using RF or from.

Active echolink stations